After my hypertension scare Lola dropped off a whole bunch of healthy goods to my apartment that she expected me to "eat."Amongst these things included cucumbers and a Aloe Vera leaf. Both foods are supposedly linked to lowering blood pressure. I juiced and ate some but then I remembered how good both items are for your skin! Intense cold nights lead to scorching hot showers and that had really took a toll on my skin. Both rejuvenate the skin so I figured I'd make a nice scrub. Get rid of the dead stuff, in with the good stuff. At the time I definitely did not have enough salt or sugar so I used Grits and the rest of the sugar I had available.
you will need...
1 Cucumber
2/3 cup Aloe Vera gel
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp honey
Sugar or Salt
1 tbsp lemon juice
favorite liquid soap packed with vitamin E or pure vitamin E
Juice or blend the cucumber by itself. Then blend in aloe vera gel, milk, honey, exfoliants, lemon juice, and vitamin E. The lemon juice helps keep the aloe from turning brown and the vitamin E is a good additive that kinda acts as a natural preservative because this scrub WILL go bad in a few days. DO refrigerate after making and using.
After using this scrub my skin became vibrant and soft. I added a little liquid soap to aid in the exfoliating process. If your skin is sensitive and gets red easy you might want to use an exfoliant that is gentler than grits.
*it smells AMAZING.