Meet Brooke Deslouches
OCCU. : Model SIGN: Virgo BASED : New york baby lol AGE: 21 WHAT KEEPS YOU GOING: Basically, the love i receive from my dad and the people who love me and support me through myspace, facebook, twitter. They let me know any improvements they see, if they have seen me in magazines or such and just show me love that i am thankful for. 3 WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: Driven of course, passionate, and i am a perfectionist.
I'll RETIRE WHEN _____: ummm when i feel i have made a change or difference in this world.
I don't have one exact favorite designer because i feel not one person has everything that i would shop exclusively with but top choices, Jeremy Scott, Christian Louboutin, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and Alexander Wang. Great quality, innovative and wearable from the runway to the everyday streets. LOOK FORWARD TO:
Being successful in my career as well as my personal pursuit of happiness, whatever that may bring along. DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONAL STYLE:
I love wearing different things from contemporary-comfortable clothing to edgy-sophisticated high fashion clothing. DONT TOUCH MY ______: Hair! lol i already have a million other hairstylistwho go at it during photo shoots, i don't want it played with anywhere else! NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT: My cell phone! FUTURE PROJECTS: I want there to be an element of surprise! sorry guys your just going to have to wait and see ;) BIGGEST CHALLENGE TO GET OVER WITH MODELING: Rejection! there will be girls of the same collaber or better in beauty that will book the job or gig you want but you must keep your head held high and don't take it personal and strive for bigger and better opportunities. I CANT STAND _____: people who are consumed with themselves. Therefore they are insecure, have attitude problems, envious of others, become haters and of course very unsuccessful with their dreams from lack of self control. TRENDS/FADS THAT ERK YOU:
I don't have a problem with eccentricity or originality but the hipster headband with everything because your hair looks bad or just because is to over the top for me. FAVORITE MAGAZINE or BOOK:
I love Flaunt because i used to write for them and my book the last juror by john Grisham.
Twitter: @drivenBrooke

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