“Celebrating the breathtaking imagination and groundbreaking designs of Lee Alexander McQueen, the latest fashion film by Nick Knight pays tribute to McQueen’s sensational creations, stellar career, and most importantly to the man himself. Directed by Knight and set to an exclusive soundtrack by Björk, the film is featured online at SHOWstudio.com”
Watching a video like this or reviewing any piece by McQueen reminds anybody with 5 senses what art is. It reminds me what the value of art is. I will admit, i’m an advocate of “blood, sweat, and tears art.” Simple art can be good, but when you think about it, can it be amazing? People will argue back and forth for years on what “real” art is. Whether you can vigorously splash paint on a canvas out of your current spurt of emotion, or you can craft an intricate couture gown for weeks, the two are still art right?
What is the value of art? In my opinion whether it is priced at 1$ or 1 billion both prices for any kind of piece would be right. Not until I experienced Alexander McQueen; my favorite modern day artist, i was able to understand this concept. Humans have got to be the most intriguing beings on earth. Each of us have unique emotions and perceptions. No two creations can be absolutely the same. Some prefer a still picture to remind us what we saw and how we felt at that point in time. Others prefer what they create with their hands, voice and mind to remind them of and express certain emotions.
There is no such thing as bad art. As a spectator, that’s my opinion.
I can imagine the amount of money i would spend just to sit down and chit chat with mcqueen and ask him, “How did this garment come about?” “Was any part influenced from a past expierience?” “Why this color?”
One thing i’ve realized while dealing with people is how intrigued i am by the link between art and the mind, i probably should have majored in psychology. (art psychology? does it exist?)